
Common Challenges to an Online Board Meeting

By January 21, 2024 No Comments

A board meeting that is online is a good way to keep your board members interested and make decisions without the time and expense of travelling. A few common issues could impact the effectiveness of your board meetings and hinder the efficiency of your board meetings.

Disconnections. Contrary to a face-to-face meeting, remote participants might have trouble connecting to the virtual conference. While this may not be an issue, it can still create a feeling that there is a disconnect and decrease engagement levels. Make sure to offer an excellent video conferencing solution that is user-friendly and has high-quality sound.

Inadequate documentation. Minutes should be precise and clear. Ideally, the minutes-taker will keep a record of all important discussions and decisions to avoid confusion later on. Also, you should think about investing in a document management system that will allow for secure sharing and storage of meeting materials and documents.

Engagement of board members http://boardmeetingplatform.blog/5-core-elements-of-a-successful-business-development-strategy is low. It is difficult to recreate the camaraderie between board members that you experience in person. To combat this, try adding a few icebreakers, breakout sessions or even a quiz to your meeting.

Time limitations. The limited time available to discuss each item in an online board meeting could be a major issue. Set a time limit for each discussion. Be careful not to the directors with topics that are difficult to discuss.

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