
Quick Update

By December 6, 2018 2 Comments

I’ve been wanting to get something out there for caring people curious on the happenings. Now that I’ve welcomed hundreds to possibly thousands of others onto my boat, you’ll get a glimpse of the real monotony and break neck speed the VA works at. By break neck, I mean slower then molasses in January, under a rock, on the moon.
There hasn’t been a official update on anything regarding the surgery, the denials, the government inquiries or anything on the VA front. I have requested every single piece of records they can give me, but that’ll get here no less then 3 months. They say 2 weeks, but lets be realistic, I’ve requested files like this before. I wont be wooed by the wiles of grand promises from the kind, yet mind-numbed receptionist behind the counter counting the days until the weekend.
We’ve been pretty busy trying to gather more information, coordinate with new and possible leads and paths. We just completed interviews with both KEZI and KVAL, one went well the other I didn’t think did, but we will see when they air. TV magic may change my mind. I’ll let people know when they are suspected to Air.
For those who were up early enough for the Wake up call radio show on KPNW, I was fortunate enough to talk to Bill Lundun about the situation. I also had a follow-up with Rick Dancer on Facebook-Live.
My energy has been rock bottom, been light headed and faint for the last few days. My pain and, to be honest, anxiety from all of this has been pretty damn taxing. There have been many people supporting in anyway they can and it has helped massively.
My daughter ended up getting really sick the last few days so its been focus on that. I will be writing in the future about others support, thanking them (and YOU reading this) as eloquently as I can. (that was weird huh? breaking the 4th wall so directly, sorry about that…had to try.)

This Blog will be snappy and brief (and probably sloppy), I’m hoping to get more in a groove once I learn more about running the website and a blog.

Few upcoming hard dates, Today, Thursday the 6th (all day) at the Coburg Road Papa’s Pizza there is a fundraiser for the surgery where 50% of the proceeds from delicious pizza goes to the medical fund. Go eat a slice or get a great pie in my stead. Mention my name or print off the flier when you go to buy one. Here is the Address for Papa’s Pizza

Then Saturday, the 8th, (all day) Max Porters coffee shop in Junction City is doing a Fundraiser also. The information for both of these should be available on the site or my Facebook.
Here is the Address for Max Porters

Thank you for both those businesses for doing this. Max Porters reached independently to do the fundraiser and Papa’s Pizza was set up by My aunt and they made it happen.



  • LaDonna says:

    Love you sooooo much, Brandon. Praying for you and always sending a hug. ❤️

  • Judy McCormick says:

    Great upddate Brandon. I wish it said “I have a surgery date” and one of these updates it WILL. Your 1:4 of the way to goal with three fund raisers lined up. Thanks to the love and generosity of others you will reach your goal. ❤️

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